Student Party ECCO
Student Party ECCO represents all students of TiSEM in its faculty council. We advise the management team of TiSEM on strategic cases, we propose our own initiatives, and last but not least, we make sure that the voices of TiSEM students are heard. We do this by listening to people’s concerns and making sure others won’t have to deal with them in the future, and in a general way by expressing ourselves in the faculty council.
Areas of focus
Quality of education
Education is the most important aspect of your time at Tilburg University. ECCO works hard to preserve its quality for you – be it on a course, program or even faculty-wide level. We strive for improvement on topics like digitalization, video lectures, thesis supervision and the Last Chance Regulation.
Career development
At Tilburg University, there are many interesting opportunities to plan ahead for your future career. ECCO wants to ensure you are able to explore them fully. ECCO has achieved four lecture- and exam-free days for all TiSEM students during the EBT and will continue to work on similar opportunities.
Student welfare
With so much to do during your time as a student at Tilburg University and the city in general, you may find it to be not just an incredible experience, but also sometimes a stressful one. ECCO wants to make sure that the right systems are in place for any challenges you may face – problems with health, housing and more all deserve to be taken seriously.
Student integration
TiSEM is a very international faculty with a foreign presence of almost 26%. However, we believe that this international character is not fully exploited, in a way that both Dutch and international students can engage in activities, both in and out of class, that can benefit them in terms of knowledge and information about each other’s experiences. Thus, ECCO would like to dedicate itself to further improving the internationalization process within TiSEM.